Sigma Nu
University of South Carolina | Delta Chapter Since 1874

Stay Updated
Parents and Alumni Weekend Events April 15th and 16th
We will be hosting our annual Sigma Nu Philanthropy Golf tournament Friday at Crickentree Golf Course. Shotgun start at 10AM. Friday night there will be a drop in at the fraternity house from 8-10.
The Saturday night cocktail will be at Carolina Walk from 9-12. Tickets can be bought at the link to the right or at the door.
Gameball Run Creator Bubba Rushing to be part of 37th Annual Game Ball Run
Bubba Rushing and other Sigma Nu alumni, who all participated in the first ever gameball run, are returning to take part in 2016. The proceds will be donated to ALS in Bubba's Honor. Donate Now!
A Chance to Reconnect with History
This past November the Delta Chapter was given an amazing chance to reconnect with their history.

Buy Parent/Alumni Cocktail Tickets
Select the number of tickets in the dropdown below and click the buy now button to purchase your ticket(s) for the cocktail on April 16th
Log on to the members area at sigmanu.org to find more information on active brothers & alumni.
Information About
Sigma Nu
Find out anything you need to know about The Sigma Nu Fraternity.
Marcus Lattimore
Find out more information about the Foundation and how to donate to the cause.